jen's bruce banner/clint barton fic recs

bruce banner/clint barton
  • Song of Solomon by matryoshkha [I am an Avenger. I am the 99%.]
  • Superheroes Don't Pine by somewhatcliche [After the fifty-third time that Bruce, under the guise of “forgetting” something before his capoeira class, casually paced past the window in the back of the community center, where the archery class met beneath wide-open summer sky, Natasha slapped him square between the shoulders and said, “Can’t you just buy him a bouquet of flowers and attach a note that says ‘I want to have your babies’?”]
  • The Man And The Cologne That Tricked Me by matryoshkha [“Oh, I’m in trouble, I’m in trouble,” chanted Clint Barton, fierce hot breath panting out of his parted lips and ripping into the wind at his face as he ran for his life down a steep dirt road in Brazil.]
  • There’s An Art To The Laughter (There’s A Science) by gyzym [Clint’s raised in a circus, surrounded always by the show and the spectacle, by the old, shabby fabric of the big top tent, fraying at the edges, riddled with moth holes. He’s raised in a circus and learns quickly that the word “freak” gets hurled more often than tomatoes and shit-stale popcorn and it hurts worse, even hearing it thrown at someone else sticks and stings, can’t be wiped down or swept up. it rings in his ears late at night, flits around in his mind during he day as he looses arrows, again and again, never misses a target.]
  • assume a defensive stance by hoosierbitch [No one can understand why Bruce and Clint are together. Clint's loud, brash, irritating--exactly what Bruce doesn't need in his life. (Also, there are sandwiches. Of LOVE.)]
  • Trust by Neery [The Council wants the Hulk monitored 24/7. Fury can't tell them to go fuck themselves, but he can assign the one man the Council trusts even less than Bruce Banner.Clint's not thrilled to get stuck on babysitting duty, and Bruce would be glad to get rid of his guard, but for now, they're both determined to make the best of a bad situation. Somehow, two guys who didn't expect to have much in common end up learning to trust each other.]


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