jen's marcus/esca fic recs

  • Wrong Way To Ragnarök by scribblesinsand [The first time they meet, it doesn't go well. Then again, Esca's not really sure one could define it as meeting because it's more like two atoms colliding, really. Or particle beams in the Large Hadron Collider. One particle beam being Esca and his car, the other being the motherfucking son of a bitch that appeared in the middle of nowhere right in front of him. Either way there's wavering lights, swearing, loud noises and it all ends in a bang.] 
  • Oh, What Big Hands You Have! by tourdefierce [Esca is a fucking hipster, he owns this fucking town and he's looking to get fucked and wear a cardigan. Holla.] 
  • Every Motion Is Closer To Touching by addandsubtract [Marcus is FBI, Esca is a criminal, and together, they solve crime! What could go wrong, honestly? ] 
  • Never Meant You Harm by augustbird [Marcus thought he knew who Esca was. A fusion of The Eagle and Jumper with elements from GI Joe.] 
  • A Series Of Years by augustbird [Marcus doesn't celebrate his birthdays any more.] 
  • All Roads Lead Here by blaithin16 [For Romans, a daemon’s ability to change was limited almost entirely to childhood, for Britons it wasn't.]
  • A Little Less Sixteen Candles by foxxcub [The rivalry between the Theta Sigma Rhos and the Delta Omicrons began so long ago, no one really knew the exact date. But the truth now was that the Thetas were jocks and the Deltas were nerds, and everything else was just history.]


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