jen's poe dameron/finn fic recs

poe dameron/finn
  • Your Hand In Mine by AndreaLyn [“I mean, I’m Finn. I’m a person and I have feelings and hopes and plans and dreams and choices because I’m not FN-2187. I’m Finn,” he says eagerly. “And I’m Finn because of you."Poe's aiming to find more and more ways to keep holding onto Finn and this is just the start.]
  • my lungs will fill and then deflate by plinys [“Physical therapy,” Poe explains. “It’s you know, to help you get back into working order after you take a hit. A few work outs here and there until the muscle memory comes back. I’m sure even the troopers had to have something like that, right?”Finn shakes his head. “Usually if we got hit too badly they just pull the plug."]
  • Recovery Begins by Defira [In the aftermath of the assault on Starkiller base, Finn struggles with his recovery, and Poe struggles with his feelings.]
  • Steady hands and thin sheets by Gretahs [There is a Rey sized hole in Finn’s life, but there’s also a suspiciously Poe shaped figure who keeps invading his hospital room smelling faintly of motor oil.]
  • the nature of a fighter by thesilverwitch [You learn many things about a person while you’re both watching over someone in a medical coma. If it were up to Poe, they would simply call it ‘coma’, but he doesn’t dare suggest the idea, knowing that doing so would make everyone in a ten-mile radius look at him like he spat on their grandmothers’ faces.]
  • That Seeks You Out and Names You by Poetry [Five times Finn learned about names.]
  • No other exile by queerly_it_is [“Of course they’d send you,” Phasma says, the first time she’s spoken since they put her in here.“I volunteered,” FN-2187 tells her.“What a proud moment for you,” she says.“I didn’t,” the pilot says with an unpleasant little smirk as he leans against the wall, hand hanging next to the holster on his thigh.]
  • poe is secretly a space princess by leupagus
  • Coupling by Mamalazzer [Everyone on the base thinks Finn is dating Poe, which is pretty frustrating for Finn himself because really, chance would be a fine thing.Featuring insane pilots, an all-knowing Rey and Admiral Ackbar's impressive gills.]
  • Worked Up So Sexual by AndreaLyn [Poe's squadron thinks they're being so funny, sending Finn to check out the adult vids locked away in the archives to get a better sense of romance and courtship. They don't see the harm.(The harm lies in the fact that Poe is the subject of said courtship and really never wanted to star in a real-life enactment of one of those things)]
  • just like it should by fabrega ["You're the Resistance's best pilot, and he's wearing your jacket. Just go talk to him!"]
  • just a piece by numenore [Poe finds it encouraging, really, that Finn keeps the jacket. But then he takes his sweater, too.]
  • answers from jackets by dansunedisco [Finn wears Poe's jacket, and people take notice.]
  • someplace to hide by santanico [“Can barely remember the last time you had a boyfriend,” Jess muses, and Poe glares at his hands, wishing he’d brought something to fiddle with. “I mean, it’s a good fit, sounds like.”“Are you playing matchmaker with me?”“We all almost died,” she points out.“Not an answer.”“Well, he likes you too.”]
  • in the dark (i can hear your heartbeat) by amosanguis [He hears: “turn here” and “listen carefully” and Poe nearly trips as a Stormtrooper says the words that wrap around Poe’s right thigh.]
  • In Good Hands by beetle [[Organics make this too complicated. Merely insert external sexual organs into internal sexual organs.] "BB-8, that's not exactly how--" [INSERT EXTERNAL SEXUAL ORGANS INTO INTERNAL SEXUAL ORGANS.] "Where are you even finding this information?" [AND THEN PROCEED WITH AGITATION.] "You're not allowed near the other pilots anymore."]
  • Don’t deny you never ran by lanyon [Finn thinks that the first thing Poe Dameron gave him was his name.]
  • crooked on my chrome by dansunedisco [BB-8 plays matchmaker to Poe and Finn -- droid knows they really need the help.]
  • asterism 32 by black_nata ["Keep it," he says. "It suits you," and has to bite his lip to keep anything else from spilling out of his big mouth.]
  • ready for my close up, mr. dameron by AndreaLyn [Poe Dameron is a beloved movie star best known for his role in the Aviator Chronicles. He’s charming, handsome, and charismatic, but to Finn, he’s the guy who saved him from a disastrous blind date. It doesn't take very long for Finn to catch up with the rest of the world when it comes to loving Poe Dameron.]
  • Coming Together by BlackRose2014 [I can fly anything. Are you Resistance?FN-2187 stared at the words scrawled in messy Standard on his forearm. He didn’t know what they meant. Well, he didn’t know what they were supposed to mean at least. What they meant for him, though, was extra protocol sessions and more scrutiny from his superiors.KG-7778 told him that it was because the words made them think that he was going to break protocol. To disobey orders. To betray the First Order.His mind balked at the very idea. The First Order was all he knew. Obedience was all he knew. Why would he break protocol?]
  • we'll look back on this road we're on by noelia_g ["No matter what some people say (Snap and Jess, when they’re feeling like they’re hilarious, BB-8 when it’s in a nagging mood), he doesn’t move into the field hospital. He’s there every day, sure, but he still bunks with the rest of the squadron, he’s been there last… no, the day before… Well, very recently at least."Poe and Finn in the days after the aftermath.]
  • Something Borrowed by the_dala [Thinking back on it later, Finn would have to admit it all started with that damn flight jacket.Five times Finn and Poe borrowed each other's clothes.]
  • how to fall in love with a fairytale by AndreaLyn [Except here he is, now, thirty-two years old and starting to believe in fairytales again and that’s all Finn’s fault.They tell stories about Finn. Half the galaxy fears him and the other half reveres him, but Poe's just struggling to figure out when he started falling in love with a hero right out of his childhood fairytales.]
  • get drunk on the good life by magneticwave [Finn is on the mend, technically.]
  • The Future Prince by StarMaple (During a diplomatic mission, Poe and Finn find Finn's homeworld... and discover he is a long-lost kidnapped prince.)


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