jen's rapunzel/eugene fic recs


  • 51 Proposals by waldorph [Did Rapunzel and I ever get married? Well, I’m pleased to tell you that after years, and years of asking and asking and asking...I finally said yes.]
  • A Disney Prince Consort by Mithrigil [In which Eugene Fitzherbert deftly and graciously contends with such highfaluting concepts as cognatic primogeniture, morganatic marriage, inter-state relations, and a spunky brunette wife who somehow knows how to manage everything including him.]
  • A Princess And A Guy Like Me by Yahtzee [“Rapunzel has never had choices before. I want her to have choices now.” I nodded. “Absolutely.” He meant, at least in part, choices of guys to marry who were not impoverished orphans/recently reformed thieves.]


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