jen's sam wilson/clint barton fic recs


sam wilson/clint barton
  • Anything You Can Bird, I Can Bird Better by ifeelbetter [Sam & Clint duking it out over who’s the best bird]
  • Untitled by ifeelbetterer [Sam keeps being the one to catch Clint when he falls/jumps off of things]
  • Untitled by ifeelbetterer [Sam and Clint stuck in a hallway waiting for a meeting to be over and playing some game with the pieces in their heads.]
  • Rules of Courting by ifeelbetter [Clint and Sam are trying to date. Avengers keep getting in the way.] 
  • Untitled by ifeelbetterer [Sam somehow gets stuck with the job of explaining to Clint what happened to SHIELD.]
  • and just like that by shmabs [“What the fuck,” Clint hears, but it’s not Steve or Nat or anyone else that he knows, so obviously his first instinct is to attack the guy.The bowl of popcorn goes flying right at the intruder’s face, but he manages to dodge out of the way and grab Clint around the middle. Clint will swear up and down that the only reason he was taken down so easy was because of his injured ribs and wrist. It had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the stranger was smoking hot and, once Clint got a closer look at his (very attractive) face, actually kinda familiar.]


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